


Clear Teaching: With Direct Instruction, Siegfried Engelmann Discovered a Better Way of Teaching by Shepard Barbash


Available to download for free in its entirety, this highly readable book provides an introduction to Direct Instruction (DI). The book looks at the development of DI through the early experiences of its creator, Zig Engelmann; explains the principles that underpin this approach; and looks at DI's reception in the world of teaching, where it has been effectively shunned despite a formidable research base and example after example of transformative success.



Kindergarteners Showing Off Their Math Skills


In this classic, must-see video from 1966, Zig Engelmann utilizes an early version of Direct Instruction to teach mathematics to at-risk preschool children. The students, who had not yet entered first grade, demonstrate their ability to solve algebraic problems and advanced math operations.

Video Series

Interview with Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann [Seven Parts]


Filmmaker Jon Palferman speaks with Zig Engelmann in this in-depth, thought-provoking interview.


[Part One of Seven]


[Part Two of Seven]


[Part Three of Seven]


[Part Four of Seven]


[Part Five of Seven]


[Part Six of Seven]


[Part Seven of Seven]


The Effectiveness of Direct Instruction Reading Intervention


A teacher who had been trained in the whole language method discusses the effectiveness of Direct Instruction as a reading intervention program.


Conversation with Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann


Zig Engelmann recounts episodes in his 45-year career in education with his long time friend and colleague, Geoff Colvin.


Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann Discusses Direct Instruction


Zig Engelmann discusses the positive effects of the Direct Instruction teaching methodology.

Video Series

Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann: A Biography [Two Parts]


This two-part film captures Zig Engelmann's life's work in changing the lives of students all over the world with Direct Instruction, a teaching method which he originally created, and which he has been developing and refining for over 40 years.


[Part One of Two]


[Part Two of Two]

Articles & Documents


Children of the Code – Interview with Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann


A compelling, in-depth interview with Zig Engelmann focused on the topic of reading, in which he discusses his philosophy of learning, how he designed the Corrective Reading program, and his controversial views on Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities.


Putting Students on the Path to Learning: The Case for Fully Guided Instruction


This article explains why teaching that only partially guides students, and expects them to discover information on their own, is not effective or efficient. Decades of research clearly demonstrates that when teaching new information or skills, step-by-step instruction with full explanations works best.


Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know


Ten research-based principles of instruction are presented in this article, along with suggestions for classroom practice. These principles come from research in cognitive science and on master teachers.


Fluency: Achieving True Mastery in the Learning Process


Fluency, defined as speed plus accuracy, is discussed in this article, including how it can be measured, how building fluency results in achievement gains, and how we can help students achieve fluency.

Document Series

Teaching Needy Kids in Our Backward System by Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann [Multiple Parts]


The largest and most definitive educational experiment ever conducted, Project Follow Through compared nine different teaching methods in real life educational situations over a ten-year period from 1967 to 1977. The study found Direct Instruction to be the only method that excelled in every category measured. Contrary to the study’s name, no follow through was ever done: outcomes were never disseminated, they were never made public, and, most importantly, they were never used to influence educational decision making. In Chapter 5, Zig Engelmann recounts his frustrations with Project Follow Through and explains how an investment of ten years and half a billion dollars was squandered in the name of politics and protectionism.


Chapter 5 – Follow Through Evaluation




For Readers Not Familiar with Project Follow Through


Prologue to Follow Through Evaluation


Want to Improve Children’s Writing? Don’t Neglect Their Handwriting


When young students struggle with handwriting, the attention they must pay to forming letters interferes with the quality of their writing: they are unable to focus on generating and organizing ideas. The handwriting instruction described here can improve the quantity and quality of students' writing.



Direct Instruction: What the Research Says


A list of the primary studies and meta-analyses regarding Direct Instruction, including a discussion of controversial findings.


A Bibliography of the Direct Instruction Curriculum and Studies Examining Its Efficacy


An exhaustive listing of Direct Instruction programs, a directory of efficacy studies (randomized and quasi-experimental design), and a compendium of publications and writing on Direct Instruction.


Direct Instruction Research Database – National Institute for Direct Instruction


A searchable database of research studies on the effectiveness of Direct Instruction spanning over 40 years, conducted with a wide variety of populations, in different settings, and within numerous subject areas.




Articles, commentary and other writings by Professor Siegfried “Zig” Engelmann, creator of Direct Instruction.


National Institute for Direct Instruction


A non-profit organization, providing information and resources for administrators, teachers, and parents to help them maximize student achievement through Direct Instruction.


Society for Quality Education


A Canadian organization for parents, educators, and citizens advocating for effective schooling.


Children of the Code


An ambitious social education project, this website contains a wealth of resources investigating everything to do with reading, including how people learn to read, why so many children and adolescents struggle to learn to read, and what can be done to ensure widespread literacy for all. Over 100 Interviews with field leading scientists and scholars are featured.

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